Wednesday, December 10, 2008


If destiny is against the beating of my heart, how unblessed i am of this damn life of mine; for the only reason for me to raise up and live again seems so far and unreachable. after the terrible storm which took away my emotions, i found you and thought, you would be the reason; reason for me to keep goin' despite of the burden i carry with a wounded bleeding heart seeking for a cure. you were the only star i saw in the darkest night; you were the only flower i saw on this never ending desert. you were the only light i saw among this emptiness you must be the one i've been lookin' for... but i tremble, will i able to reach you? you're so near yet so far; all i can do is look at you and see you smile and i'm cured..if only the next star falls...

1 comment:

  1. if onLy i couLd be with him....
    the,,.. i will be mucH happIer..
    but though i'm not, still i'm happy to be a part of his life..
